Consultant Services:
NCIS, Inc. Consultants will assess repairs or replacements specific to damages caused by a covered peril or specific to your request. They will research local Labor and Material costs and Mark up, so that their assessments will be accurate to the Location and Conditions. NCIS, Inc. Consultants have a history of saving Millions of Dollars for unnecessary Repairs and Replacements. NCIS, Inc. Assessments are supported by Testing, Field Experience, complete Reports with Material & Labor assessments and supporting Documentation where applicable.
NCIS, Inc. offers Professional Consultants in the following fields;

Large Loss Field Audits
Claim Management
Claim Crisis Management
Structural Engineer
Construction Consultant
HVAC- mechanical & duct
Commercial Plumbing
Commercial Electric
Clerk of the Works
Lead Abatement
Mold Abatement
Policy Coverage Analysis & Application
Water loss
Certified Indoor Environmental Specialist
Manufactured & Modular Residential/Commercial Structures
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Our Consultant Services cover the United States, its possessions, Canada and the Caribbean.